Monday 19 April 2010


1. Zombie Nation uses conventions of a horror film including zombies, blood, and guts. Also we challenged the conventions of the horror genre by shooting the opening sequence on the beach as well as in the daytime such as '28 Days Later'. This was also challenging as the setting still needed to look scary and abandoned however upon finding our location it was clear it held the best atmosphere than other settings we viewed.

2. The characters used, i.e. all female zombies, is purposefully used to subvert the gender stereotype and show women as stronger and more harmful instead of the classic 'damsel in distress' used in horror films. This will also shock the audience as the women are the aggressive types which is also seen in the film 'Lesbian Vampire Killers' and 'Teeth'.

3. The film, 'Zombie Nation', can be likened to other zombie horror films such as 'Shaun of the Dead' and 'Zombie Land' which have been box office successes, ours could share the same success if there was a high budget and a lot of media adverts. We could also have merchandise for our movie including tee shirts quoting lines such as 'Where is everyone?' with pop art images of the characters. Our movie could be released as a straight to D.V.D. release if the project was made on a small budget and wasn't as well accepted as first thought.

4. The audience for our film would be aged between 15-19 but could also range further into young adults and other exceptions however the films attraction would be closer focused onto teenagers.